E-Learning Setup - Assign Employees to Training Groups

Once your Training Groups are set up, you can assign employees to them, automatically enrolling them in the necessary training courses on the E-Learning platform.

If you have not yet set up any Training Groups, go to Step 1 of the E-Learning Setup Guide  then return back here. 

From the BCarm landing page, click on ‘Manage Employees’ or ‘Employees’


Find an employee in your list and click on their name

This will take you to their ‘Edit Employee’ page. 


Select the ‘Training Groups’ they should belong to.

Tip: To select multiple Training Groups hold down the Ctrl key. 


Then scroll down and click ‘Save’. The user will be automatically enrolled on the courses associated with that Training Group.


Click here for Step 2 - Add your Courses

Click here for Step 3 - Assign employees to their Training Groups.


We hope you found this guide helpful.
Please contact us at info@bcarm.co.uk
0800 879 99 81 or book a webinar if you would like any further guidance.