E-Learning Setup - Add Your Courses

After setting up your Training Groups, you can assign courses to each group.

If you have not yet set up any Training Groups, go to Step 1 of the E-Learning Setup Guide  then return back here. 

Open ‘E-Learning’.


This will open the E-Learning platform in a new tab.

Click on the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner to access the menu.


Click on ‘Organisation’ then ’Enrolments’ .


The Training Groups you set up in BCarm will appear here as ‘Enrolment Events’.

Click ‘Edit’ on an Enrolment Event.


You will see the following options:

  • ‘Details’ – specify up Start/End dates for training, as well as reenrolment options.

  • ‘Activities’ – what courses are included

  • ‘Learners’ – a chance to review who is in this Training Group. 



First, select 'Details'


Here you have the options to pick a Start Date, End Date, and a Target Date.

  • Start Date: when the training becomes available to employees.
  • End Date: when the training is no longer available to employees.
  • Target Date: the date that employees should complete their training by.

    Note: These are optional, you can choose to leave these fields blank. If you do this the training will be available for users as soon as they open their E-Learning.


You will also see some ‘Advanced Options’:

  • Reenrol Learners: Select this option to require users to retake courses after a specified period.
  • Group Event Activities: Consolidate activities under a single icon on the employee’s E-Learning page, helpful for Enrolment Events with many courses.
  • Language-specific titles can be updated for Enrolment Events when users access the E-Learning platform in another language. However, courses are not available in other languages.


Once you’re done with the 'Details' section, click ‘Save Changes’ in the upper right-hand side. 



Next go to ‘Activities’.


Click ‘Add Activities’ to browse your course library. Select the courses and self assessments you wish to add to the Enrolment Event.

Click ‘Confirm Changes’ when you’re done.


You can then click ‘Learners’ if you want to review who is currently assigned to this Enrolment Event.

Note: you cannot change who is assigned to the Training Group from the E-Learning platform. Instead go to the BCarm landing page > ‘Employees’ and edit the employee’s profile. This will then update in E-Learning. 

Pending Changes

Finally, you may see a ‘Pending Changes’ option appear. When you edit an Enrolment Event, you always need to confirm your actions. If you won’t confirm the changes you have made then it will stay as a pending change.

Click on the ‘Pending Changes’ option and then ‘Action Changes’ to make the changes you have made live.

Those assigned to this Training Group will now be enrolled on all the courses and/or risk assessments you have selected in the E-Learning platform.

Click here for how to assign employees to Training Groups.