1. BCarm Knowledge
  2. Employee Account Information

Setting Up Training Groups

Training Groups and Department Locations enable course allocation and Reporting in E-Learning

Training Groups

Training Groups will allow you to set different training requirements in E-Learning for different employees depending on their job role. For example, employees attached to a group entitled ‘Office’ may have access to a different set of modules to those attached to a group entitled ‘Warehouse’.

Once you have added a new Training Group by going into Client Business Groups and then Training Groups, it will appear in the Training Group box on the ‘Add or Manage’ employee page. You can then select a group/or groups for an employee to be attached to.

You will then need to go into the E-Learning system and assign the relevant courses to the group. Go to Courses and then Training Plans; you will see a list of the training groups you set up. Click on the group you would like to assign modules to and then click Assign Courses.

Department Locations

Department Locations can be set up for reporting purposes in E-Learning. You will then be able to run reports in the E-Learning product based on the employee’s Department Location so you can see activity across different areas of the business, this could be geographical locations or different working departments within the business. Once you have added a new Department Location by going into Client Business Groups and then Department Location, it will appear in the Department Location box on the ‘Add or Manage’ employee page. You can then select a Department Location for an employee to be attached to.