Which Incident Form Should I Use?

The Health & Safety Management system includes an Incident Manager module, offering a selection of seven forms designed to report various types of workplace incidents, accidents, and near misses.

Click here for guidance on recording incidents in the Health & Safety Management system. 

When an incident occurs, you can use the Incident Manager to fill out a New Incident Form.

The purposes and features of these forms are as follows:

Accident Book Record

This is for recording all incidents that involve personal injury, and records the same information as the BI510 paper book record.

Dangerous Occurrence Form

This form is intended to be used for the recording and reporting of "dangerous occurrences" as defined within RIDDOR. Essentially these are incidents that did not actually result in an injury, but by their very nature clearly had the potential to result in a serious injury. An accident investigation should ideally be instigated as soon as possible after completion of one of the other forms. The investigation may involve taking statements from the injured party or witnesses, as well as taking photographs or samples, if appropriate. In the Action Taken or Planned to Prevent Recurrence section, you should include a review and potential update of the relevant Risk Assessment and Safe System of Work, if applicable.

Near Miss Form

The recording of incidents which are regarded as near misses will enable you to review unsafe activities within your business that, if left unregulated, could cause a serious accident in the future.

Violence & Bullying Incident Report Form

This form allows the reporting of incidents that involve personal injury caused by violence or bullying, verbal abuse, anti-social behaviour or damage to personal property.

Road Traffic Form

This form is used in incidents that occur on the public highways, and also traffic incidents that occur on company premises.

Custom-Made Incident Forms

 As an additional feature, the Custom Incident Form Builder can prove helpful to organisations wishing to design a bespoke accident/incident forms specific to their workplace environment.

This feature is similar to the checklist builder in that you have a variety of question and answer types at your disposal to create an intuitive and comprehensive data collecting tool.

This includes:

  • Single and multi-line text fields
  • Dropdown lists
  • Signature panels
  • Yes/No/NA buttons
  • Date & time pickers
  • Integers
  • Body part pickers (to submit specific injury data)


You can also apply advanced question settings such as:

  • Mandatory vs optional questions
  • Mandatory attachment submissions
  • Conditional questions that appear based on previous answers provided.
  • Further action fields that can be mandatory dependant on previous answers given.

For guidance on building your own Custom Incident Form, contact our team via the details below. 

Click here to book a free demo on the Incident Manager, or contact the helpdesk at info@bcarm.co.uk or 0800 879 99 81