How can I use BCarm to set KPI's for my business?

The ability to set KPI's for Operational areas is a key element in aligning the business and safety. BCarm generates a significant amount of data that supports the setting of KPI's.

There are 2 key elements within BCarm that support the setting and reporting on KPI's:

  1. You can configure BCarm to reflect your Organisation structure and then extract the data accordingly.
  2. BCarm generates performance data from your Health & Safety activity that can be used to measure performance against KPI's.


Data is generated through a number of activities as follows:

  • E-Learning Test Scores - employee competency
  • E-Learning Risk Score - risk identified by employee in their working environment
  • Risk Assessment Monitoring - % performance score for your compliance with control measures
  • Use of Checklists for safety sampling - % performance score against your checklist criteria
  • Self-Audits - % performance score against audit criteria
  • Accident/Incident Reporting - accident/incident statistics/costs/time lost/injuries
  • Task Management - completion rates of Tasks such as Corrective Action

This data can be accessed and exported in the Reporting suites and then used against KPI's to align Operational and Safety Performance.

Here are some examples of KPI's you might set.

  • Monthly Compliance against Risk Controls
  • Completion Rate of Health & Safety Tasks
  • Completion Rates of Health & Safety Training
  • Risk Score as reported by Employees
  • Self-Audit Scores
  • Accident Rates

If you would like to discuss developing KPI's for you safety organisation or how the system can produce the information you want to support existing KPI's, contact our Client Engagement Team on 0800 979 9981 or email