1. BCarm Knowledge
  2. Insurer Risk Improvements

Risk Improvements: I have to complete Risk Assessments

Where you need to undertake Risk Assessments as part of your Risk Improvements, you can do this in the Health & Safety Management section of BCarm.

The different Risk Assessment formats are:

  • Fire
  • Manual Handling
  • New & Expectant Mothers
  • Young Workers
  • General Risk Assessment

The General Risk Assessment can accommodate either a high/medium/low format, a 3x3 or 5x5 matrix format depending on what you use and also incorporates Control Measure guidance.

Risk Assessments can easily be duplicated and amended for similar processes, activities, locations and you can upload attachments to the Risk Assessment for safe keeping ( i.e. data sheet, safe working practice, photographs etc).  We can show you how to do this with a remote tutorial using screen sharing technology.

Once created Risk Assessments can easily be printed off, to include your business logo and details.

The system will remind you when the Risk Assessment needs monitoring and reviewing - as illustrated in the video. For more information on using the system to create your Risk Assessments, click here.


If you need on site assistance to develop your Risk Assessments we can provide onsite Risk Consultancy support.  For more information, to arrange a webinar or anything else 0800 879 9981 or info@bcarm.co.uk