1. BCarm Knowledge
  2. Insurer Risk Improvements

Risk Improvements: Managing Housekeeping Standards

Housekeeping Standards such as trade or process waste, storage of stock or materials, control of fork lift areas etc. can be recorded and monitored using the BCarm system.

The most effective way of driving this activity is to use Checklists. The BCarm Checklist module allow you to either use our templates, adapt these to your circumstances or build your own.

There are a number of features that help establish a business process to achieve this risk improvement.

Checklists can be assigned to individuals who will be notified by email when these need completing.
When the Checklist is completed it will produce a % Performance Score and be recorded against the Dept/Area completing it.
These performance scores can be reported on in the Reporting Centre which can be used to set KPI's.
Alerts can be set so that if specific criteria in the Checklist are not met or a low score is recorded a nominated individual is emailed immediately.
The Checklists allow you to upload images so the person completing the Checklist knows exactly what standard is required.
When completing the Checklist pictures can be uploaded as evidence that the standard is being met.

Should you need on site assistance to develop your  Risk Assessments we can provide Consultancy support.  For more information or further assistance contact our Client Engagement Team on 0800 879 9981 or info@bcarm.co.uk