1. BCarm Knowledge
  2. Insurer Risk Improvements

Risk Improvements: I need to write/update a Health & Safety Policy

You can develop a Health & Safety Policy in the BCarm Health & Safety Management system, which has a module for writing and updating a policy.

The document builder allows you to select the Legislation/Regulations or Arrangements for your business creating a draft document that can be edited to reflect the specifics of your business (i.e. name, locations, people responsible for different aspects of your Health & Safety arrangements).

You have the ability to import your own text into sections or add new sections as required by your business, for instance if you want to use existing policies and procedures in the system.

The system will advise you when you need to review and update your policy (every 2 years minimum) and also when there are legislative changes, such as changes to Accident Reporting/RIDDOR requirements, etc.

You have the option to print the Safety Policy incorporating your company logo.

If you would like on site assistance to develop your Health & Safety Policy we can also provide Consultancy support for an additional cost.

For more information or further assistance contact our Client Engagement Team on

0800 879 9981 or email info@bcarm.co.uk