How do I manage tasks in the H&S management system?

The BCarm management system will give visibility and reporting of all tasks in the Health & Safety Management system, here we will show you how to manage the tasks across the business.

Once you have selected the Health & Safety management icon, you will see your Personal Dashboard where your top 10 tasks are viewed, along with a quick button to all of your tasks (see arrow).Task screen

From your Personal Dashboard screen, click the Task Manager button, you will then be presented with a drop down list, you can view all tasks by clicking All Tasks. Other options in the drop down list are:

  • New task - will allow the user to create a one of or recurring task.
  • New task schedule - If you or a colleague needs to complete the same Task on a regular basis, you can save time and error by creating a Task Schedule. A Task Schedule will automatically recreate an identical Task on a frequency that you decide. 
  • My tasks - Here you can view all the Tasks currently assigned to you, or to organisation groups you're a member of.
  • All tasks - From this page you can manage every task currently active within your organisation. The tasks visible to you will depend on your viewing permissions. Use the filters to narrow down on a particular task, then use the action buttons to View, Reassign, Delete, or Complete the task as required.
  • Completed tasks - All tasks presented on this page have been marked as completed. 
  • Unallocated tasks - This page will contain a list of every task that's currently unallocated. This can happen when somebody creates a task but doesn't assign it to a specific user, or when an existing user is archived.
  • New alert - You can create a new alert for one or more employees that will be sent out when the chosen activity is performed. You can choose whether alerts are displayed within the system only or if e-mail notifications should also be issued. Existing alerts that have already been set up are also displayed.
  • My alerts - This page will display  a list of all your current Alerts.


When the tasks listed (viewed below), there is the option to View, Complete, or reassign to another staff member. The due date with vary in colour

  • Red – the task is overdue
  • Amber – The task is due shortly (next working day)
  • Green – the task is not yet due
    Task list

When searching for tasks, the ‘sort by’ function is useful to sort by due date, date modified, Task type A-Z etc.