Print E-Learning Training Certificates

When an employee completes an E-Learning course, they will receive a copy of their certificate via email.   However, system administrators can follow the below steps to retrieve employee certificates themselves. 

How to retrieve an individual employees certificate.

First, log in to BCarm and click on E-Learning.

The E-Learning platform will then open in a new tab.

Click on the Users tab*, then click Users again from the dropdown menu. 


*if you cannot see these further tab options on your E-Learning page, you may not have admin access to the system.


This will take you to the User Management page.  Find your employee in question and click on the Magnifying Glass under the History column next to their name. 

A pop-up will appear showing the employee's most recent training history.

Click the Certificate button against a training record to download a copy of their certificate. 


How to download certificates in bulk. 

Alternatively, you can pull a completed training report and download any available certificates in bulk.

First, log in to BCarm and click on E-Learning.

The E-Learning platform will then open in a new tab.

Click on the Reports tab*, then click Reports again from the dropdown menu. 


*if you cannot see these further tab options on your E-Learning page, you may not have admin access to the system.


Pull a Completed Training Report shown below. If you then click Search you will be shown a report of all the completed E-Learning training records under your organisation.

However you may want to use the following filter options to narrow this list down to only show valid certificates.

Report Search Criteria: We would recommend applying the below filters under 'report Search Criteria.

Dates: You might want to only show certificates achieved within a specific time frame, or within the last 12 months.
Test Result: Select Pass as certificates are only achieved if an employee passes a course. 

Show Latest Results Only: Select Yes as you will not need training records that have been superseded. 

You can then choose to narrow your results down further, for example:

Department Selection: only show training records from employees who belong to a certain department(s) at your organisation. 
Course Selection: only show training records for a specific E-Learning course. 
Training Plan Selection: only show training records enrolled as part of a specific training plan.

Click Search when you are ready. 

You will then be able to see all the completed training records that meet your search criteria.

Click Print Certificates at the bottom of the report.

This will download a single pdf containing all the certificates from this report.

Click Save if you want to save the search criteria for this report, this will make running the report on a regular basis a lot easier. 


We hope you found this article helpful.
If you would like any further guidance, click here to book a meeting with a member of our team, or contact the helpdesk at or 0800 879 99 81