1. BCarm Knowledge
  2. Employee Account Information

My employees don't have their own unique email addresses, what are my options?

Many of our clients have a portion of their workforces who don’t have company email inboxes, and we understand that these clients are often those with the heavier risk exposures who need to access BCarm.

If an employee or employees do not have a unique email address, there are a number of options available:

  1.  Use a ‘dummy’ email address for the employee and then use the ‘On Screen’ or ‘SMS’ confirmation method to allow the employee to validate their account. Employee accounts already using dummy email addresses will automatically be set to the ‘On-Screen’ method. If they forget their password, they can reset their password with the help of their system administrator or using their mobile phone.

    If you are a system administrator and you do not have all the confirmation-method options you would like, please contact our helpdesk who will be happy to assist. 

  2.  Add a unique company email address for the employee to your company's server, so that the employee will have their own inbox. Mail can then be re-directed to another employee's mailbox if necessary. This can be costly for mail licences which is why they aren’t already used.
  3.  Add an alias email address to one of your mailboxes. Emails sent to that alias email address will be re-directed to that mailbox. We recommend using the mailbox used by your system administrator or risk manager. How many alias email addresses you will be able to add will depend on the size of your server and your available server space.
  4.  Create an outsourced email account for the employee using an online provider (i.e. Gmail or Microsoft). These are usually free of charge and can be re-directed to a company email address, however, there can be issues with system emails going into Junk Inboxes.