1. BCarm Knowledge
  2. Employee Account Information

How do I delete/disable an employee's account?

You can use statuses to manage a user's permissions in BCarm

Rather than deleting a user, we recommend disabling their account. 

While editing an employee, you might have noticed there isn't a 'Delete' option in the system. Instead, you have the option to Disable an account. This will revoke their access to BCarm. 

Disabling a User

  1. Log into BCarm and click on Manage Employees. This will take you to your employee list.
  2. This will take you to a list of your live employees. Find the user account you want to disable and click on their name.  This will take you to their ‘Edit Employee’ page.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of their page and change their status from ‘Live’ to ‘Disabled’. Then click ‘Save’.

    Why does BCarm avoid deletions?

    Our system acts as a record for employee training, including Health & Safety and Business Continuity correspondence. In the event of a claim, your records of training plans within the system act as proof of compliance with H&S standards. Deleting a user would mean permanently losing these records. 

    Is it possible to fully delete a user?

    Yes. Although please make sure you're okay with the consequences outlined above. We only recommend deleting a user if the employee record was created by accident, and as such, has no data attached to it.

    Contact our help desk on 0800 879 9981 or email info@bcarm.co.uk and we will talk you through the deletion process.