Complete Checklists in the BCarm HSM App

The BCarm HSM App provides a convenient and effective way to complete checklists, whether you are online or offline.

When you first log into the BCarm App, you will see the BCarm HSM Dashboard.

From here you can manage your Checklists, Tasks and Incidents, and access your App Settings.

Tap Checklists to see your currently available checklists.








You will then see the following options:

Complete Now – These checklists are available for you to complete at any time.

Assigned Checklists – If you have been given the responsibility to complete particular checklists as part of a Task, they will be shown in this section.

Queued Checklists – If you have completed a checklist when you were not connected to the internet, the checklist you completed will be stored here until you are back online.












How to Complete a Checklist


Under Checklists, press Complete Now or Assigned Checklists.

Find and tap on the checklist you wish to complete.










Complete the checklist as you usually would.

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

You have the option to ‘Continue All’ or ‘Continue by Section’.

It is up to you whether you want to complete the checklist as one long list or progress through section by section.










The checklist will show you how far along you are in your progress. 

To navigate to a different section of a checklist, select the Section button located at the top of the page. This allows you to jump forward or backward within the checklist.

Note: some checklists will not allow you to skip to certain sections until the current section has been completely filled out. 








Some checklist questions may prompt you to add Images or Further Actions.



Add Images to a Checklist

If a checklist question gives you the option to include an image in your response, you will notice a green button labelled Manage Images.

If you would like to add an image, press Manage Images.










Then select Add Image.





You will have the option to:
- Take a photo from your phone.
- Select up to 5 images from your phone library or gallery.

You will be able to attach 5 images in total.






Note: Your device may ask for permission to allow the BCarm app to access your camera, and photos, media, and files.
If you want to take or attach pictures, make sure you allow this





When you have added an image, you will see a preview of the image under ‘Manage Images’.  





Delete Images.

To delete an image you have added, tap the preview of the image.

A window will appear saying ‘Delete Image?’. Press ‘OK’.







Add Further Action

When a fault or issue has been identified, it is important to add a Further Action. A Further Action outlines the steps that will be taken to resolve the problem.

If a checklist question provides an option to include a Further Action, you will notice a green button labelled Manage Further Actions.










Press the green button that says Manage Further Actions





Press Add Further Action and provide the following details:


Task Title – the name of the task to be completed.

Description – provide a description of the task. Make sure to provide enough detail if the task is for another member of your team.

Assigned Employee – select an employee from the list. You can assign a task to yourself if necessary.

Org Group – you can select the department or organisation group the task is relevant to (if applicable).

Priority – is the task Low, Medium, High, or Critical priority? This helps the assigned person organise their list of upcoming tasks.










Due Date – when should the task be completed by? Use the date picker to select.







You then have the option to add more Further Action tasks if there is a need for multiple tasks.








Save & Finish Checklist 

Once you have reached the end of the checklist, you will see a checklist summary page.

Here you can review the checklist score, as well as your images and Further Actions.

Click Review Checklist to make any changes
Click Save & Finish.











Finish Checklist Later


If you are completing the checklist section by section, you will see the option to Finish Later.





This button will save your checklist progress and allow you to resume it later.

To resume your checklist from where you left off, open the App and go to -

Checklists > Assigned Checklists > My Checklists

From here you can find and resume the checklist you were working on.











Sync Checklists

If you do not have internet access while completing your checklist, the checklist will be added to a queue.

Once you regain internet access, you can sync your checklist with the Health & Safety Management system. This will make the information you have entered accessible to the rest of your team.

To view your queued checklists in the app, go to Checklists > Queued Checklists.










If the checklist says ‘Pending upload to server’, click Sync Now to upload it to the Health & Safety Management system when you are back online.

You will know when this has worked because the checklist will say ‘Success, favourite completed’.

If the sync fails, it is most likely because you do not have an internet connection.













We hope that you found this guide helpful.  If you require any further assistance, please contact our Client Engagement Team on 0800 879 99 81 or